DC Retro 66 Batman (Unmasked - Retro 66)

Where to Buy:
RetailerPriceDiffLowest Found
ebay Sold AuctionsAvg: $23.30+$5.31 (+30%)$15.97
ebay Buy It NowAvg: $21.24+$3.25 (+18%)$12.00
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The average price based upon the last 4 sold auctions is: $23.30

[High: $27.99/Low: $15.97]. The average Buy It Now price is $21.24 based upon 3 filtered active auctions out of 7. This figure is ranked #6 in value within the DC - Retro 66 category.

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This Batman (Unmasked - Retro 66) toy was added on September 2021 and also released in 2021 with a retail price of $17.99. It may be harder to find this action figure as it's an exclusive to Target. This action figure is part of the DC genre within the Retro 66 series. It can be found online by using the following codes: UPC: 787926150346, Target DPCI: 323-01-7577 and on eBay (paid link). With an average selling price of $23.30, this toy is not very valuable as it's selling for about its original retail price. This toy ranks in the Top20 within it's stats category for the Retro 66 category. Hundreds of collectors have this toy (100) in their user collections, so it does seem to be very popular.

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