G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Crimson Guard
  • G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary Crimson Guard

    The CRIMSON GUARD are the elite shock troops of the COBRA legions. All Sieges must hold a degree in either law or accounting and must be in top physical condition. Final stages of training take place in the deepest recesses of COBRA Headquarters and are purported to involve an initiation ceremony too hideous to describe.
  • Wave: 5

    Year: 2008

    Retail: $5.99 UPC: 653569289319 Series: 25th Anniversary Group: Action Figures
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ebay Sold AuctionsAvg: $17.75+$11.76 (+196%)$10.00
ebay Buy It NowAvg: $19.07+$13.08 (+218%)$17.40
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The average price based upon the last 8 sold auctions is: $17.75

[High: $23.00/Low: $10.00]. The average Buy It Now price is $19.07 based upon 6 filtered active auctions out of 38.

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This Crimson Guard toy was added on September 2021 and originally released in 2008 with a retail price of $5.99. This action figure is part of the G.I. Joe genre within the 25th Anniversary series and included in Wave 5. It can be found online by using the following codes: UPC: 653569289319 and on eBay (paid link). With an average selling price of $17.75, this toy is somewhat collectible as it's selling for 2x over its retail price. Hundreds of collectors have this toy (133) in their user collections, so it does seem to be very popular.

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