G.I. Joe Super7 ReAction Snake Eyes (RAH)
  • G.I. Joe Super7 ReAction Snake Eyes (RAH)

    We probably don’t have to convince you that Snake Eyes is the coolest character in the G.I. Joe universe. This 3.75” articulated G.I. Joe ReAction figure of Snake Eyes is everything you remember him to be including pistol, cannister, and laser rifle accessories. There’s really zero rational reason you wouldn’t want the Snake Eyes ReAction figure. In fact, maybe you should buy more than one so you have extras to give to any friends, as a sure-fire way to get their G.I. Joe collections pointed in the right direction. Snake Eyes is arguably the coolest character in the G.I. Joe universe! Includes pistol, canister, and laser rifle accessories.
  • Wave: 1

    Year: 2021

    Retail: $20.00 Series: Super7 ReAction Group: Action Figures
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RetailerPriceDiffLowest Found
ebay Sold AuctionsAvg: $9.70-$10.30 (-52%)$9.50
ebay Buy It NowAvg: $10.02-$9.98 (-50%)$6.00
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The average price based upon the last 2 sold auctions is: $9.70

[High: $9.90/Low: $9.50]. The average Buy It Now price is $10.02 based upon 10 filtered active auctions out of 27.

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This Snake Eyes (RAH) toy was added on August 2022 and originally released in 2021 with a retail price of $20.00. This action figure is part of the G.I. Joe genre within the Super7 ReAction series and included in Wave 1. With an average selling price of $9.70, this toy is not very valuable as it's selling for less than retail. Quite a few (78) of these toys are in user collections so it does seem to be somewhat popular. Some of these figures are specifying that they are unpunched, which may have higher value over punched cardbacks.

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