Masters of the Universe Mattel Classics Trap Jaw
  • Masters of the Universe Mattel Classics Trap Jaw

    An insane criminal from the dimension of Infinita, Kronis was one of several evil warriors freed from an intergalactic prison by Keldor to bolster his ranks during the start of the Great Unrest. After serving Keldor for years, Kronis grew ambitious and raised an army of his own to challenge his master. Now a powerful Overlord of Evil, Skeletor, defeated Kronis - breaking his jaw and arm and leaving him for dead. Found and rebuilt by Tri-Klops, Kronis was transformed by him into Trap Jaw, a man armed with combat weapons and an "iron jaw!"
  • Year: 2010

    Retail: $20.00 UPC: 027084835984 Series: Mattel Classics Group: Evil Warriors
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ebay Sold AuctionsAvg: $125.50+$105.50 (+528%)$116.50
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This Trap Jaw toy was added on February 2022 and originally released in 2010 with a retail price of $20.00. This action figure is part of the Masters of the Universe genre within the Mattel Classics series. It can be found online by using the following codes: UPC: 027084835984 and on eBay (paid link). With an average selling price of $125.50, this toy is highly collectible as it's selling for 6x over its retail price. Quite a few (91) of these toys are in user collections so it does seem to be somewhat popular.

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