DC DC Universe Classics Mary Batson (Red)
  • DC DC Universe Classics Mary Batson (Red)

    DC Universe classics Mary Batson (Red) action figure.

    Sister of Billy Batson, Mary was raised by a wealthy family in Fawcett City, reuniting with Billy years later when her adoptive parents were kidnapped by the villain Ibac. To save them, Mary (like her brother) was granted miraculous powers by the wizard "Shazam!", thus transforming her into a slightly older, superpowered version of herself with the same abilities as Billy. Following the rescue, Mary continued to use her powers alongside "Shazam!" as defenders of Fawcett City.

    Includes upper and middle torso to complete Darkseid Collect & Connect action figure.
  • Figure Number: 06

    Wave: 12

    Year: 2010

    Retail: $12.99 UPC: 027084831283 AmazonASIN: B002PAH9HK (paid link) Series: DC Universe Classics Group: Darkseid (Collect & Connect)
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  • Build A Figure Part: Upper/Middle Torso
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This Mary Batson (Red) toy was added on December 2023 and originally released in 2010 with a retail price of $12.99. This action figure is part of the DC genre within the DC Universe Classics series and included in Wave 12 and is number 06. It can be found online by using the following codes: UPC: 027084831283, Amazon ASIN: B002PAH9HK (paid link) and on eBay (paid link). It is part of the Darkseid Build A Figure collection and includes the Upper/Middle Torso to complete the Darkseid BAF which includes 10 action figures. Quite a few (45) of these toys are in user collections so it does seem to be somewhat popular.

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