Retailer | Price | Diff | Lowest Found |
Sold Auctions | Avg: $36.00 | +$26.01 (+260%) | $36.00 |
Buy It Now | Avg: $21.00 | +$11.01 (+110%) | $21.00 |
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This Marauder (Motorcycle-Tank) toy was added on March 2023 and originally released in 1987 with a retail price of $9.99. This action figure is part of the G.I. Joe genre within the A Real American Hero series and included in Wave 6. With an average selling price of $36.00, this toy is very collectible as it's selling for 3x over its retail price. Only 16 of these items are in user collections, but since it is a vintage item that is 37 years old, it may be harder to find. AFA auctions are considered in determining the value of this item, potentially leading to a greater variance in the price range. Also, there are several variations of this figure. Often variations can be worth more so carefully inspect your toy to see which version you have.