G.I. Joe Super7 Baroness
  • G.I. Joe Super7 Baroness

    Baroness is the femme fatale Cobra Intelligence Officer who can either bring Cobra Commander and Destro together to take over the world or tear them apart and dash their plans for global domination!

    This made-to-order 7” scale fully articulated G.I. Joe ULTIMATES! figure of Baroness comes with interchangeable heads & hands as well as a variety of other accessories, including weapons from both the comic and animated cartoon series.
  • Wave: 2

    Year: 2022

    Retail: $55.00 Series: Super7 Group: Ultimates
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This Baroness toy was added on November 2021 and originally released in 2022 with a retail price of $55.00. This action figure is part of the G.I. Joe genre within the Super7 series and included in Wave 2. This toy currently has no recent price history so it's not possible to determine the worth. Hundreds of collectors have this toy (129) in their user collections, so it does seem to be very popular. Some of these figures are specifying that they are unpunched, which may have higher value over punched cardbacks.

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