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Items sold that determine avg selling price in Price History Graph
Picture |
Name |
Date Ended |
Sold Price |
Days Sold |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise via * | Mar,06 25 5:26 PM EST | $41.65 | 8 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise VC272 via * | Sep,09 24 5:29 PM EDT | $23.03 | 186 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 ROTJ Endor Rebel Commando Scout Disguise MOC via * | Jul,04 24 8:29 PM EDT | $42.60 | 253 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise via * | Jul,01 24 11:06 PM EDT | $34.95 | 255 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 ROTJ Endor Rebel Commando Scout Disguise MOC via * | Jun,23 24 12:01 PM EDT | $30.00 | 264 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 ROTJ Endor Rebel Commando Scout Disguise MOC via * | Jun,18 24 1:57 AM EDT | $35.00 | 269 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise via * | May,30 24 6:17 PM EDT | $37.99 | 288 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise via * | May,01 24 8:41 PM EDT | $30.00 | 317 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 ROTJ Endor Rebel Commando Scout Disguise via * | Apr,23 24 11:53 AM EDT | $39.30 | 325 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise via * | Apr,16 24 8:49 PM EDT | $41.00 | 331 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection VC272 ROTJ Endor Rebel Commando Scout Disguise via * | Mar,27 24 9:47 PM EDT | $40.00 | 351 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection TVC VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Disguise Hasbro via * | Dec,27 23 1:00 PM EST | $38.94 | 443 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise VC272 via * | Dec,14 23 9:38 PM EST | $34.77 | 455 |
 | Star Wars The Vintage Collection TVC VC272 Endor Rebel Commando Disguise via * | Dec,03 23 4:59 PM EST | $37.88 | 467 |
 | Star Wars Vintage Collection Endor Rebel Commando Scout Trooper Disguise VC272 via * | Dec,01 23 1:05 PM EST | $33.00 | 469 |