Active auctions are not calculated into the price history graph. Rows that are gray are excluded from BIN calculations
Items sold that determine avg selling price in Price History Graph
Picture |
Name |
Date Ended |
Sold Price |
Days Sold |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Feb,23 25 6:40 PM EST | $30.00 | 17 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects DINOBOT RED SWOOP MISB via * | Nov,25 24 5:50 PM EST | $35.00 | 107 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Nov,10 24 3:14 PM EST | $26.99 | 122 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects DINOBOT RED SWOOP MISB via * | Oct,25 24 2:13 PM EDT | $25.99 | 138 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects DINOBOT RED SWOOP MISB via * | Oct,25 24 2:11 PM EDT | $25.00 | 138 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Sep,12 24 1:19 PM EDT | $29.95 | 181 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Aug,26 24 7:38 PM EDT | $27.24 | 198 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Aug,26 24 7:37 PM EDT | $24.99 | 198 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Aug,26 24 5:50 PM EDT | $20.00 | 198 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Jul,21 24 3:25 PM EDT | $14.50 | 234 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Jul,18 24 4:41 PM EDT | $22.50 | 237 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects Dinobot Red Swoop Power of the Primes Deluxe via * | Jul,14 24 1:09 PM EDT | $17.50 | 241 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects RED SWOOP DINOBOT FIGURE Deluxe Class via * | Jun,19 24 4:59 PM EDT | $24.99 | 266 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects DINOBOT RED SWOOP Deluxe Class Action Figure via * | Jun,19 24 12:36 PM EDT | $28.49 | 266 |
 | Transformers Generations Selects DINOBOT RED SWOOP Deluxe Class Action Figure via * | Jun,12 24 2:52 PM EDT | $35.00 | 273 |