Indiana Jones - Action Figure Value Stats

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 2014
Total items reviewed: 48

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
Indiana JonesIndiana Jones$2.99$456.54+$453.554Action Figures
TohtToht$2.99$127.90+$124.915Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)$24.99$40.72+$15.7314Action Figures
KazimKazim$24.99$38.95+$13.9613Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)$39.99$52.55+$12.565Action Figures
TohtToht$11.99$14.67+$2.685Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Raiders of The Lost Ark)Indiana Jones (Raiders of The Lost Ark)$24.99$28.51+$3.5210Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)$24.99$24.32$-0.676Action Figures
Indiana Jones (The Temple of Doom)Indiana Jones (The Temple of Doom)$11.99$12.83+$0.846Action Figures

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
Indiana JonesIndiana Jones$2.9915169%$456.54+$453.554Action Figures
TohtToht$2.994178%$127.90+$124.915Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)$24.9963%$40.72+$15.7314Action Figures
KazimKazim$24.9956%$38.95+$13.9613Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)$39.9931%$52.55+$12.565Action Figures
TohtToht$11.9922%$14.67+$2.685Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Raiders of The Lost Ark)Indiana Jones (Raiders of The Lost Ark)$24.9914%$28.51+$3.5210Action Figures
Indiana Jones (The Temple of Doom)Indiana Jones (The Temple of Doom)$11.997%$12.83+$0.846Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)$24.99-3%$24.32$-0.676Action Figures

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)22205-14-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Raiders of The Lost Ark)18505-04-2023Action Figures
Kazim18205-24-2023Action Figures
Sallah9605-08-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Map Room)9207-11-2023Action Figures
Short Round8606-18-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom)8505-31-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Hypnotized)7706-18-2023Action Figures
Major Arnold Toht7505-12-2023Action Figures
Marion Ravenwood7305-22-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)7206-06-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (Dial of Destiny)7105-16-2023Action Figures
Dr. Henry Jones Sr.5108-01-2023Action Figures
Rene Belloq (Ceremonial)4805-07-2023Action Figures
Marion Ravenwood4605-09-2023Action Figures
Indiana Jones (The Temple of Doom)3805-26-2023Action Figures
Toht3305-22-2023Action Figures
Sallah3208-02-2023Action Figures
German Mechanic3005-19-2023Action Figures
Helena Shaw (Dial of Destiny)2907-01-2023Action Figures

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