Mythic Legions - Action Figure Value Stats

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Total number of auctions reviewed: 3947
Total items reviewed: 313

Most Valuable: Top 20 most valuable figures in the past 45 days based upon the average selling price minus the retail price.
Photo Name Retail Avg Diff # Auc Group
BarbarianBarbarian$33.00$154.87+$121.878Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Gwendolynne HeavensbrandGwendolynne Heavensbrand$33.00$117.00+$84.004Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Silver KnightSilver Knight$33.00$112.40+$79.405Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
AethonAethon$55.00$131.14+$76.147Horses, Steeds and Beasts
Templar Knight (Reissue)Templar Knight (Reissue)$35.00$108.32+$73.323Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Barbarian WarriorBarbarian Warrior$33.00$94.99+$61.993Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
CowarrosCowarros$35.00$94.99+$59.994Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
AlderAlder$60.00$113.71+$53.714Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Black KnightBlack Knight$22.00$77.59+$55.598Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Iron KnightIron Knight$18.00$68.75+$50.754Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Forest Troll 2Forest Troll 2$110.00$159.37+$49.374Trolls
GadrielGadriel$40.00$91.24+$51.244Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Valiant KnightValiant Knight$49.99$98.17+$48.186Special Releases
FaunusFaunus$33.00$79.45+$46.454Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
ArgemedesArgemedes$55.00$100.33+$45.333Ogres, Brutes and Centaurs
Vorgus VermilliusVorgus Vermillius$33.00$80.79+$47.7912Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
BaliusBalius$55.00$98.59+$43.595Horses, Steeds and Beasts
Brother MandibulusBrother Mandibulus$33.00$75.67+$42.675Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Artemyss SilverchordArtemyss Silverchord$45.00$87.57+$42.576Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
PurrrplorPurrrplor$35.00$77.49+$42.496Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders

Ranked by % Value: Similar to previous table, but sorted by percent value over retail price
Photo Name Retail % Value Avg Diff # Auc Group
BarbarianBarbarian$33.00369%$154.87+$121.878Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Iron KnightIron Knight$18.00282%$68.75+$50.754Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Gwendolynne HeavensbrandGwendolynne Heavensbrand$33.00255%$117.00+$84.004Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Black KnightBlack Knight$22.00253%$77.59+$55.598Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Silver KnightSilver Knight$33.00241%$112.40+$79.405Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Templar Knight (Reissue)Templar Knight (Reissue)$35.00209%$108.32+$73.323Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Barbarian WarriorBarbarian Warrior$33.00188%$94.99+$61.993Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
CowarrosCowarros$35.00171%$94.99+$59.994Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
GoblinGoblin$18.00169%$48.42+$30.4215Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
OrcOrc$22.00168%$59.00+$37.004Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Vorgus VermilliusVorgus Vermillius$33.00145%$80.79+$47.7912Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
FaunusFaunus$33.00141%$79.45+$46.454Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Queen UrkzaaQueen Urkzaa$33.00141%$79.45+$46.456Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
AethonAethon$55.00138%$131.14+$76.147Horses, Steeds and Beasts
Brother MandibulusBrother Mandibulus$33.00129%$75.67+$42.675Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
GadrielGadriel$40.00128%$91.24+$51.244Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
PurrrplorPurrrplor$35.00121%$77.49+$42.496Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Skeleton SoldierSkeleton Soldier$33.00107%$68.33+$35.333Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Sir GodfreySir Godfrey$37.00106%$76.12+$39.127Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerElf Ranger$33.0096%$64.60+$31.605Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders

Most Auctions: Top 20 figures that have been sold based upon number of auctions.
Photo Name # Auc 1st Auc Load Group Name
Elf RangerValiant Knight9403-23-2024Special Releases
Elf RangerGoblin8603-17-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerVorgus Vermillius6103-15-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerAracagorr6003-24-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerOgre5703-25-2024Ogres, Brutes and Centaurs
Elf RangerThraice Wraithhailer5703-31-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerBrother Mandibulus5503-15-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerThe Unknown One5304-04-2024Special Releases
Elf RangerFaunus5003-18-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerXarria4904-29-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerArrizak4903-31-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerOrc4804-09-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerVargg4803-20-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerSamir Scrollwarder4603-23-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerAzhar4403-15-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerMalleus4303-19-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerElf Ranger4203-18-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerZende Amaanthyr4203-25-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerTemplar Knight4103-24-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders
Elf RangerSir Godfrey4104-30-2024Standard, Deluxe and Legion Builders

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